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frozen water lines

How To Avoid Frozen Water Lines

Unfortunately, many homeowners will experience frozen pipes this winter. An unexpected cold snap might catch you, or the issue could be due to your home’s furnace failing. But the result is always the same. You will be facing some costly and very frustrating water leaks once the temperature rises and the ice in your water pipes begins to thaw. Just a small crack measuring 1/8″ can allow over 200 gallons of water to escape each day! That is roughly the amount of water needed to fill your bathtub four times.

Tips To Prevent Frozen Water Pipes

You can’t keep the weather from getting cold. But you can prepare your water lines to withstand the cold weather without suffering damage. Taking just a few preventative measures before cold weather hits could save you thousands of dollars in plumbing bills and water damage restoration.

  • Allow Faucets To Drip- In the wintertime, a dripping faucet is not a bad thing. And while it is a small waste of water, it could save your water lines from freezing. Turn on the taps so that there is a slow but constant drip. This will keep the water moving and prevent it from freezing and bursting the pipes. It also ensures that pressure will not build up in the line should you experience any frigid temperatures that create ice in the lines. If you are upset by wasting water, place a large pot under the faucet to capture the water for later use.
  • Winterize Outdoor Spigots- Your outdoor faucets should have a shut-off valve inside and a drain valve. Make sure to turn off the water and back-drain the pipes before cold weather. Disconnect any hoses and install faucet covers or insulate with towels to prevent freezing.
  • Open Cabinet Doors- For water lines indoors, in the basement, or a garage, open the cabinet doors to allow warm air to circulate to the pipes. And if you are going to be away for an extended time, be sure to leave your furnace running and set to around 60 degrees to protect your home’s water lines.
  • If you lose power and heat in your home, use towels, blankets, or other material to insulate any exposed pipes that could freeze quickly.

If you discover ice on your indoor pipes, use a hairdryer on the low setting to slowly warm the line and thaw the ice to prevent further damage. And if you suspect any cracks in the pipe, place a large trash can under the damage to catch any leakage. And call (318) 202-9144 for immediate help from the Gordon AC & Plumbing team.

And just a word of warning. Even if you think you were beyond fortunate and did not have any pipes burst or crack, still call in the pros from Gordon AC & Plumbing for a full plumbing inspection. There is no way to avoid the expansion of water as it turns to ice. It is going to need more space. So if your water lines did freeze, there are some cracks somewhere to account for that increased volume.

If you do not have the pipes inspected by a licensed plumber, you could be facing some severe water damage and mold infestation in the future. Call (318) 202-9144, and know that our team of leak detection experts will find even the tiny leaks that are concealed in the walls and floors of your home before they create significant water damage. We have the technology and expertise to check for leaks in a non-invasive manner, so there is no need to worry about damage to your home from our inspection process.