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All You Need To Know About Air Conditioner Refrigerant

Most homeowners understand the basics of how their AC system cools their home. The hot air is pulled out of the house and cooled thanks to the use of AC refrigerant and a condenser unit. Then the cool air is pumped back into the house. So when you discover that the air coming back into your home from the outdoor condenser unit is not cold, it is logical to wonder if there is an issue with the refrigerant.

How Long Does Air Conditioner Refrigerant Last?

In most cases, the refrigerant that is installed in your AC will last for the lifetime of the unit. The refrigerant is contained in a closed-loop or system and should be recirculated indefinitely. The function of the coolant does not degrade with age. So the system should cool equally well from the day it is installed until the last day of service.

Why Do I Hear About Services To Recharge Refrigerant

The only reason that any air conditioner would need additional refrigerant added, topped off, or recharged, is because a leak has developed in the closed system. The result is the loss of some of the refrigerant and a drop in the system’s ability to cool air. Beware of anyone who tells you that adding more refrigerant will solve you’re the problem of no cold air coming from your AC unit.

Most of the time, it is a handyman or other untrained repair person who will suggest that you need to top off your refrigerant. Rest assured that you will only have cool air for a few days or weeks if you follow this poor advice. But then you will be back to warm air. The only way to properly fix the problem is to call the professionals at (318) 202-9144. Our licensed professionals will locate any leak in the refrigerant system and repair it before refilling the system with new refrigerant.

Another Word Of Caution

AC refrigerant is expensive and also very, very harmful to the environment. If you trust anyone other than a trained AC technician to repair your condenser or replace the refrigerant, you are wasting your money. Repairs that are not covered under a full warranty are not likely to last long. Then you will be paying for more refrigerant and another repair. In addition, you have continued to contaminate the environment with harmful chemicals.

Signs Of An AC Refrigerant Leak

Early detection and repair to an AC refrigerant leak is the best way to avoid an expensive repair and severe damage to your AC unit. A professional air conditioner technician will use a special tool that will detect even the smallest refrigerant leak. This fast detection and repair prevent damage to your air conditioner and further contamination of the environment.

When you notice that your AC is running often or longer than usual, but your home is still too warm, it is likely that you have a refrigerant leak. Also, if you notice that your AC works well at night but not during the day, then the issue is probably a leak in the refrigerant system. This happens because the unit is low on refrigerant and cannot cool the hotter air during the day. Or you might see a buildup of frost on your indoor air conditioner coil, which indicated a leak.

If you have noticed any of these signs of an AC refrigerant leak, call (318) 202-9144 immediately. The faster a Gordon AC & Plumbing technician arrives, the less chance there is of severe damage to your home’s air conditioning system. We offer very affordable rates, a full warranty on all of our work, and 24/7 emergency service, so you never need to suffer from no AC.