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6 Top Causes Of An AC Failure

There is nothing worse in the summertime than having your air conditioner fail. You try to think back to any odd sounds or other hints that it was having issues. But if you are like most homeowners, you don’t really notice these end of life signals, until it is too late. Now you are panicked about scheduling an appointment for service. And the potentially high cost of a replacement unit as you wonder what could e the cause of your uncomfortably warm home.

Here are six of the most common reasons an AC unit fails, and what to do in each case to avoid some very unpleasant temperatures in your home.

  • Bad Circuit Breaker or Fuse – In some cases, the issue is not in your air conditioner, but in your electrical system. An old breaker or fuse could fail, causing your air conditioner to shut off. Some homeowners are comfortable replacing the fuse or breaker. In contrast, others are happier to call (318) 202-9144 and have the pros from Gordon AC & Plumbing take care of the problem.
  • Leaking Refrigerant – Most AC units have a closed system that contains refrigerant. This liquid is essential for the air conditioner to provide your home with cooled air. So when the system develops a leak, you are not going to enjoy that refreshing air. Not only is the leak a deal-breaker for cool air, but the refrigerant is also a toxic liquid that will contaminate the environment and can be toxic to animals. The solution to all of these concerns is a call to the pros at Gordon AC & Plumbing. We offer same-day appointments, so you are not suffering as you try to sleep in a hot house.
  • Frozen Evaporator Coil – Even if you are not knowledgeable about the way an AC unit works, you know that seeing it covered in ice is not a good thing. Sometimes poor air circulation will result in a freeze-up that stops the function of your coils. Or the problem could be due to low coolant, which is most often caused by a leak. You can try changing your AC filter to improve the airflow. But if that does not solve the issue, call (318) 202-9144 for fast and affordable service from an Gordon AC & Plumbing professional.
  • Worn-Out Parts – Everything is susceptible to wear and tear. And all of the mechanical components in your AC are no exception. If you hear an odd noise, rattling, banging, or other new sounds when your AC is running, something is not right. You can ignore the sound for a short time. But very soon, that one worn part will break and damage many other expensive parts as it shatters into oblivion. The smart choice is to call (318) 202-9144 as soon as you notice any odd sounds.
  • Neglect – All mechanical devices need a certain amount of care. And without regular inspections and service, your air conditioner will not function correctly. A professional inspection in the spring is the best way to ensure that your AC will perform throughout the summer. The second necessity is that you inspect the air filter each month and replace it as needed. Never leave a single air filter installed for more than three months. Reduced airflow and dirty air will result in added wear and tear to your AC and a significantly shorter lifespan.
  • Bad Thermostat – Your air conditioner could be working perfectly. But the problem could lie in your thermostat. If the thermostat is not monitoring the temperature correctly, it will not turn on the AC. And you will find yourself miserable and hot. You can test your thermostat’s function by turning it to heat and seeing if you can turn on your furnace by adjusting the temperature. If the issue is the thermostat, many options offer programmable features that will help you reduce your heating and cooling costs throughout the year.

When your AC stops working, you immediately begin to think the worst and imagine the massive expense of replacing it. However, when you call the pros at Gordon AC & Plumbing at (318) 202-9144, you might be surprised by the options our pro offers. In many cases, our factory-trained technicians can repair your air conditioner for a fraction of the cost of a new unit. So don’t resign yourself to dealing with the heat or paying thousands for a new unit. Call the pros that you can trust at (318) 202-9144. All of our work comes with a full warranty and a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.