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What To Do If You Flush A Piece Of Jewelry

It can be almost impossible to remain calm and level headed when you accidentally flush a favorite piece of jewelry down the toilet. Especially if that precious jewelry item isn’t covered by homeowners or renters insurance or a standalone jewelery insurance policy.

6 Top Causes Of An AC Failure

There is nothing worse in the summertime than having your air conditioner fail. You try to think back to any odd sounds or other hints that it was having issues. But if you are like most homeowners, you don’t really notice these end of life signals, until it is too late. Now you are panicked […]

4 Things That Are Causing Your HVAC Issues

Having a functional HVAC system is critical for your comfort. But being functional is only half of what you expect from the unit. You also want it to do its job in an energy-efficient manner so that it is cost-effective to use. When you notice that your home is not being heated or cooled as […]

4 Things Every Homeowner Needs To Know About HVAC Systems

Almost every house in the country has a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. And this HVAC system, as it is often called, is responsible for keeping your home at a comfortable and safe temperature in both the summer and winter. The three basic types of systems include:

Tips To Save Money And Energy On HVAC Operating Costs

Let’s face it, any way that you can save a little money around your house and not change your lifestyle or comfort level is much appreciated. And one of the largest consumers of energy in many households is the HVAC system, and especially the air conditioner. But by following a few or all of these […]

What Is An AC Tune-Up?

As a homeowner, you might feel like every service company in your area] is trying to sell you something to keep your home and its systems functioning at their peak. And some of the offers appear to be quite practical. You know that you should fertilize your lawn and have your gutters cleaned. But there […]

What Is Short Cycling And Is It Bad For My AC?

When you discover an issue with your home’s AC and call in a professional to assess the problem, one of the terms that you might hear is short cycling. And unless you are intimate with HVAC lingo, you are not going to have any idea what the term refers to, or what it means for […]

Why Your Air Conditioner Needs Clean Air Filters

You depend on your home’s air conditioner to keep your home comfortable when summer temperatures rise. And for a service that is so crucial to your comfort and even the safety of your home, your AC units ask for very little in return. As with any mechanical device, there will be a maintenance call each […]

How Composting Can Help Prevent Clogged Drains

Composting has always been viewed as an environmentally friendly alternative to throwing away organic material. But many homeowners are shocked to learn that composting can also help to prevent costly drain clogs in their homes. And while you might think that it will require a lot of extra work on your part, it is not […]

5 Reasons Your Toilet Keeps Clogging

Experiencing an occasional toilet clog is not uncommon. However, if you are forced to keep a plunger nearby for regular use, then it is time to determine the reason for this ongoing annoyance. Because at some point, a plunger won’t be able to correct the issue. And you will be forced to deal with a […]